60-3,205. Registration certificate; disciplinary actions; director; powers; procedure.
(1)(a) The director may suspend, revoke, cancel, or refuse to issue or renew a registration certificate under the International Registration Plan Act:
(i) If the applicant or certificate holder has had his or her license issued under the International Fuel Tax Agreement Act revoked or the director refused to issue or refused to renew such license; or
(ii) If the applicant or certificate holder is in violation of sections 75-392 to 75-3,100.
(b) Prior to taking action under this section, the director shall notify and advise the applicant or certificate holder of the proposed action and the reasons for such action in writing, by regular United States mail, to his or her last-known business address as shown on the application for the certificate or renewal. The notice shall also include an advisement of the procedures in subdivision (c) of this subsection.
(c) The applicant or certificate holder may, within thirty days after the date of the mailing of the notice, petition the director for a hearing to contest the proposed action. The hearing shall be commenced in accordance with the rules and regulations adopted and promulgated by the department. If a petition is filed, the director shall, within twenty days after receipt of the petition, set a hearing date at which the applicant or certificate holder may show cause why the proposed action should not be taken. The director shall give the applicant or certificate holder reasonable notice of the time and place of the hearing. If the director's decision is adverse to the applicant or certificate holder, the applicant or certificate holder may appeal the decision in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act.
(d) Except as provided in subsections (2) and (3) of this section, the filing of the petition shall stay any action by the director until a hearing is held and a final decision and order is issued.
(e) Except as provided in subsections (2) and (3) of this section, if no petition is filed at the expiration of thirty days after the date on which the notification was mailed, the director may take the proposed action described in the notice.
(f) If, in the judgment of the director, the applicant or certificate holder has complied with or is no longer in violation of the provisions for which the director took action under this subsection, the director may reinstate the registration certificate without delay.
(2)(a) The director may suspend, revoke, cancel, or refuse to issue or renew a registration certificate under the International Registration Plan Act or a license under the International Fuel Tax Agreement Act if the applicant, licensee, or certificate holder has issued to the department a check or draft which has been returned because of insufficient funds, no funds, or a stop-payment order. The director may take such action no sooner than seven days after the written notice required in subdivision (1)(b) of this section has been provided. Any petition to contest such action filed pursuant to subdivision (1)(c) of this section shall not stay such action of the director.
(b) If the director takes an action pursuant to this subsection, the director shall reinstate the registration certificate or license without delay upon the payment of certified funds by the applicant, licensee, or certificate holder for any fees due and reasonable administrative costs, not to exceed twenty-five dollars, incurred in taking such action.
(c) The rules, regulations, and orders of the director and the department that pertain to hearings commenced in accordance with this section and that are in effect prior to March 17, 2006, shall remain in effect, unless changed or eliminated by the director or the department, except for those portions involving a stay upon the filing of a petition to contest any action taken pursuant to this subsection, in which case this subsection shall supersede those provisions.
(3) Any person who receives notice from the director of action taken pursuant to subsection (1) or (2) of this section shall, within three business days, return such registration certificate and license plates to the department as provided in this section. If any person fails to return the registration certificate and license plates to the department, the department shall notify the Nebraska State Patrol that any such person is in violation of this section.
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