48-3702. Legislative findings.
The Legislature finds that:
(1) In order to promote strong economic development policies, good jobs, growing businesses, and thriving communities, it is the intent of the Legislature that the state support the continued planning and development of the Nebraska Statewide Workforce and Education Reporting System;
(2) As recommended in the 2019 Nebraska Economic Development Task Force Report, it is the long-term goal of the state to target resources and focus data analysis on assessing workforce development and employment success;
(3) The Nebraska Statewide Workforce and Education Reporting System is envisioned as a comprehensive, sustainable, and robust lifelong learning and workforce longitudinal data system serving the needs of the people of Nebraska;
(4) The Nebraska Statewide Workforce and Education Reporting System collaboration has its roots in Legislative Bill 1071 enacted by the One Hundred First Legislature, Second Session, which directed the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska, the State Board of Education, the Board of Trustees of the Nebraska State Colleges, and the Community College Board of Governors for each community college area to adopt a policy to share student data. In 2019, such partners completed the legal formation of the Nebraska Statewide Workforce and Education Reporting System as a joint public entity under the Interlocal Cooperation Act in order to cooperate for mutual advantage with regard to data initiatives; and
(5) The Nebraska Statewide Workforce and Education Reporting System shall be a comprehensive, sustainable, and robust lifelong learning and workforce longitudinal data system to enable the training of tomorrow's workforce, today.
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