41-211. Proprietor's liability; limitation; notice; declaration of value; display copy of law.
For any loss of or damage to any property left by a guest after he or she has departed from any hotel, restaurant, apartment house, motel, or rooming house and ceased to be a guest thereof, the liability of the proprietor thereof, whether or not such loss or damage is occasioned by the negligence of such proprietor or his or her agents or servants, shall be that of a gratuitous bailee and the amount which may be recovered against such proprietor shall not exceed the sum of two hundred fifty dollars unless the guest shall have declared a greater value upon the property in writing and delivered such declaration, while a guest thereof, to the hotel, restaurant, apartment house, motel, or rooming house, in which event recovery of the actual damages sustained may be allowed in an amount not in excess of the value so declared. Forms for making such declaration shall be furnished by the hotel, restaurant, apartment house, motel, or rooming house. A copy thereof, signed by the proprietor or his or her agent, shall be delivered to the guest. A copy of this section printed in not smaller than ten-point type shall be conspicuously posted in the public areas and in each room of each hotel, restaurant, apartment house, motel, or rooming house desiring to obtain the benefit of this section.