38-2212. Practice of nursing by a registered nurse, defined.
(1) The practice of nursing by a registered nurse means assuming responsibility and accountability for nursing actions.
(2) Nursing actions include, but are not limited to:
(a) Assessing human responses to actual or potential health conditions;
(b) Establishing nursing diagnoses;
(c) Establishing goals and outcomes to meet identified health care needs;
(d) Establishing and maintaining a plan of care;
(e) Prescribing nursing interventions to implement the plan of care;
(f) Implementing the plan of care;
(g) Teaching health care practices;
(h) Delegating, directing, or assigning nursing interventions that may be performed by others and that do not conflict with the Nurse Practice Act;
(i) Maintaining safe and effective nursing care rendered directly or indirectly;
(j) Evaluating responses to interventions, including, but not limited to, performing physical and psychological assessments of patients under restraint and seclusion as required by federal law, if the registered nurse has been trained in the use of emergency safety intervention;
(k) Teaching theory and practice of nursing;
(l) Conducting, evaluating, and utilizing nursing research;
(m) Administering, managing, and supervising the practice of nursing; and
(n) Collaborating with other health professionals in the management of health care.