32-918. Assistance to registered voters; when; procedure.
(1) If a registered voter declares to the judge of election that he or she cannot read or that he or she suffers blindness or other physical disability or handicap such that the registered voter requires assistance in the marking of his or her ballot, (a) the registered voter may be assisted in marking his or her ballot by a relative or friend of his or her selection or (b) one judge of election and one clerk of election of different political parties may take the ballot or ballots from the polling place to a convenient place within the building or to the registered voter's automobile if the automobile is within one block of the polling place and the disabled or handicapped person may cast his or her ballot in the general presence of the judge and clerk. If a registered voter declares to the judge of election that he or she needs assistance in the operation of a voting device, a judge or clerk of election may assist the voter in operating the device.
(2) The judge and clerk shall give no information regarding the casting of the ballot. Any registered voter receiving assistance in voting the ballot from a judge and clerk shall declare to the judge and clerk the name of the candidates and the measures for which he or she desires to vote, and the judge and clerk shall cast his or her ballot only as he or she so requests. No person other than the registered voter who is receiving assistance shall divulge to anyone within the polling place the name of any candidate for whom he or she intends to vote or ask or receive assistance within the polling place in the preparation of his or her ballot.
(3) The judges of election shall enter Assistance Rendered upon the precinct sign-in register near the name of any registered voter who receives such assistance in casting his or her ballot and shall include the name of such person rendering assistance to the registered voter. The person rendering assistance shall sign an oath before a judge of election substantially as follows: ............., hereby swears that he or she is a friend or relative of .............., a disabled registered voter who requested assistance in casting the ballot, that he or she did enter the voting booth or aid such voter outside of the voting booth and marked the ballot according to the intentions and desires of the registered voter, that he or she has kept the ballot at all times in his or her possession, and that the ballot was duly delivered to the judge of election on this ...... day of .......... 20.... .