2-969. Riparian Vegetation Management Task Force; created; members.
The Riparian Vegetation Management Task Force is created. The Governor shall appoint the members of the task force. The members shall include one surface water project representative from each river basin that has ever been determined to be fully appropriated pursuant to section 46-714 or 46-720 or is designated as overappropriated pursuant to section 46-713 by the Department of Natural Resources; one surface water project representative from a river basin that has not been determined to be fully appropriated pursuant to section 46-714 or 46-720 or is not designated as overappropriated pursuant to section 46-713 by the Department of Natural Resources; one representative from the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Environment and Energy, the Department of Natural Resources, the office of the State Forester, the Game and Parks Commission, and the University of Nebraska; three representatives selected from a list of at least ten individuals nominated by the Nebraska Association of Resources Districts; two representatives selected from a list of at least five individuals nominated by the Nebraska Weed Control Association; one riparian landowner from each of the state's congressional districts; and one representative from the Nebraska Environmental Trust. In addition to such members, any member of the Legislature may serve as a nonvoting, ex officio member of the task force at his or her option. For administrative and budgetary purposes only, the task force shall be housed within the Department of Agriculture.