Board; members; appointment; term; vacancy, how filled.

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13-3310. Board; members; appointment; term; vacancy, how filled.

(1) An inland port authority shall be administered by the board which shall consist of:

(a) If created by a city of the metropolitan class, nine members;

(b) If created by a city of the primary class, seven members;

(c) If created by a city of the first class, five members;

(d) If jointly created by a city of the metropolitan class and one or more counties, eleven members;

(e) If jointly created by a city of the primary class and one or more counties, nine members;

(f) If jointly created by a city of the first class and one or more counties, seven members; or

(g) If created by a county, nine members.

(2) Upon the creation of an inland port authority under subsection (1) or (2) of section 13-3304, the mayor of the city that created the authority, with the approval of the city council, and, if the authority is created under subsection (2) of section 13-3304, with the approval of the county board or boards, shall appoint a board to govern the authority. Members of the board shall be residents of the city, or, if the authority is created under subsection (2) of section 13-3304, members of the board shall be residents of the county or counties.

(3) Upon the creation of an inland port authority under subsection (3) of section 13-3304, the chairperson of the county board, with the approval of the county board, shall appoint a board to govern the authority. Members of the board shall be residents of the county.

(4) The members of the board of any inland port authority created under section 13-3304 shall be appointed to staggered terms of four years in such a manner to ensure that the terms of no more than three members expire in any one year.

(5) Any vacancy on the board of an inland port authority shall be filled in the same manner as the vacating board member was appointed to serve the unexpired portion of the board member's term.


  • Laws 2021, LB156, § 10.
  • Effective Date: August 28, 2021

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