Funding -- priorities

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90-9-505. (Temporary) Funding -- priorities. If the funding for this part in any year is less than the total amount of loan repayment assistance for which farmers qualify, the council shall work with the cooperative extension service to develop a method to prioritize loan repayment assistance to applicants. In developing a prioritization method, the council shall consider giving priority to applicants:

(1) with the greatest financial need;

(2) who are most likely to successfully continue operating a farm based on factors including an applicant's interest in farming, training, experience, business plan, and relationship with a mentor;

(3) who own or are working toward ownership of a farm;

(4) who operate farms that employ sustainable best practices for farming that are identified in the list of approved conservation enhancements and practices under the conservation stewardship program of the U.S. department of agriculture; and

(5) are members of groups that are underrepresented in farming in Montana. (Terminates June 30, 2029--sec. 16, Ch. 439, L. 2019.)

History: En. Sec. 5, Ch. 439, L. 2019.

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