Investment-grade energy audits

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90-4-1113. Investment-grade energy audits. (1) The qualified energy service provider selected by a governmental entity in accordance with 90-4-1112 shall prepare an investment-grade energy audit. The audit must be incorporated into an energy performance contract.

(2) An investment-grade energy audit must include estimates of all costs and guaranteed cost savings for the proposed energy performance contract including:

(a) design;

(b) engineering;

(c) equipment;

(d) materials;

(e) installation;

(f) maintenance;

(g) repairs;

(h) monitoring and verification;

(i) commissioning;

(j) training; and

(k) debt service.

(3) (a) A qualified energy service provider and the governmental entity shall agree on the cost of an investment-grade energy audit before it is conducted.

(b) If an investment-grade energy audit is completed and the governmental entity does not execute an energy performance contract, the governmental entity shall pay the full cost of the investment-grade energy audit.

(c) If the governmental entity executes the energy performance contract, the cost of the investment-grade energy audit may be included in the costs of an energy performance contract or, at the discretion of the governmental entity, be paid for by the governmental entity.

History: En. Sec. 4, Ch. 344, L. 2015; amd. Sec. 4, Ch. 311, L. 2019.

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