List of qualified energy service providers eligible for energy performance contracts

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90-4-1111. List of qualified energy service providers eligible for energy performance contracts. (1) At least every 5 years, the department shall issue a request for qualifications for energy service providers interested in entering into energy performance contracts with governmental entities. An energy service provider may submit qualifications to the department at any time, and the department shall review the submission for potential inclusion on its list of qualified energy service providers.

(2) The department shall evaluate qualifications for qualified energy service providers on the basis of:

(a) knowledge and experience with:

(i) design, engineering, installation, maintenance, and repairs associated with energy performance contracts;

(ii) conversion to a different fuel source associated with a comprehensive energy efficiency retrofit;

(iii) postinstallation project monitoring, data collection, and reporting of guaranteed cost savings;

(iv) overall project management; and

(v) projects of similar size and scope;

(b) ability to guarantee cost-effectiveness and to access long-term financing;

(c) financial stability; and

(d) other factors determined by the department.

(3) The department shall maintain a list of qualified energy service providers who meet the requirements of subsection (2).

(4) The department shall notify energy service providers who submitted qualifications in accordance with subsection (1) whether they meet the requirements of this part and are qualified energy service providers.

History: En. Sec. 2, Ch. 344, L. 2015.

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