State assistance to local governments in review of and comment on federal land management proposals -- rulemaking

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90-1-182. State assistance to local governments in review of and comment on federal land management proposals -- rulemaking. (1) In carrying out the provisions of 90-1-181, the department of commerce may conduct on behalf of local governments a socioeconomic impact review and analysis of significant federal land management proposals. The department of commerce may use the review and analysis to comment in a timely manner on the federal proposals regarding projected impacts on local government.

(2) The department of commerce may:

(a) establish a minimal procedure for local governments to request from the department a review and analysis of significant federal land management proposals that may have a direct socioeconomic impact on the community for which the local government has requested the review. The request must include sufficient details about the federal land management proposal for the department of commerce to determine a deadline by which the review must be conducted.

(b) contract with a unit of the Montana university system experienced in technical, doctorate-level analysis of the socioeconomic impacts of federal land management proposals to provide an independent economic analysis of the federal proposals;

(c) advocate on behalf of the local government before the agency issuing the federal land management proposals, using the reports generated under this subsection (2); and

(d) report to the local government interim committee in accordance with 5-11-210, in any year in which there is a request, the number of requests, the types of requests, and the number of responses handled. The department shall post the information under this subsection (2)(d) on its website when a request has been made along with a summary of each requested analysis.

(3) The department of commerce may adopt rules to implement this section.

History: En. Sec. 2, Ch. 245, L. 2011; amd. Sec. 133, Ch. 261, L. 2021.

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