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90-1-160. Purpose. The purposes of 90-1-160 through 90-1-164 and 90-1-167 through 90-1-169 are to:

(1) assist the state and local governments in identifying, protecting, and promoting heritage and cultural tourism resources;

(2) further support local preservation programs and encourage participation in the Montana historical society Montana-certified local government program, provided for in 90-1-168;

(3) enhance the ability of localities and agencies to exhibit and advertise the heritage and cultural tourism resources of the state;

(4) stimulate business investment, assist in retaining existing small businesses, and promote new businesses related to heritage and cultural tourism;

(5) strengthen the local tax base;

(6) create employment opportunities for the people of the state; and

(7) generally enhance the economic viability of communities and regions of the state.

History: En. Sec. 4, Ch. 217, L. 2007.

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