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90-1-147. Rulemaking. The department of commerce may adopt rules to:

(1) provide for uniform loan and grant applications, when appropriate;

(2) coordinate the announcement and marketing of available financial assistance programs that are administered by other state agencies;

(3) provide for the specific requirements necessary to develop useful and logical navigation pathways and cross-references for a financial assistance program internet website and a standard form of internet links and access, consistent with the financial assistance program website, for individual agency websites that administer financial assistance programs; and

(4) develop processes and procedures necessary to effectively implement the provisions of 90-1-117 through 90-1-119 and 90-1-141 through 90-1-147.

History: En. Sec. 7, Ch. 307, L. 2001; amd. Sec. 4, Ch. 215, L. 2009.

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