Comprehensive assessment on reservations

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90-1-133. Comprehensive assessment on reservations. (1) The state-tribal economic development commission shall conduct an accurate, comprehensive, detailed, and objective assessment of economic conditions on each of the Indian reservations in the state. In addition to an initial assessment, the commission may also require periodic updates of the data and analysis contained in the assessment, mainly for the purpose of monitoring progress toward goals and objectives set forth by the commission.

(2) The commission, the state director of Indian affairs, or the governor may issue a request for proposals and, on the basis of a competitive bidding process, select a qualified researcher or research team from the private sector or a college or university to conduct the assessment and report findings and conclusions to the commission.

(3) If the commission has adequate financial resources, the commission may, at its discretion, conduct or commission subsequent followup studies or assessments to obtain updated information.

(4) An assessment of economic conditions on the Indian reservations in Montana must include the consideration of multiple dimensions of economic development, including reservation demographics, economic development strengths and weaknesses, salient factors relating to economic development, natural resources, conditions in the natural environment, human resources, financial resources, business assistance programs, job training programs, education curriculum, the availability of technical training and assistance, and relevant tribal, state, and federal policies.

History: En. Sec. 4, Ch. 512, L. 1999; amd. Sec. 10, Ch. 164, L. 2009.

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