State-tribal economic development commission -- composition -- compensation for members

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90-1-131. State-tribal economic development commission -- composition -- compensation for members. (1) There is a state-tribal economic development commission administratively attached to the department of commerce as prescribed in 2-15-121.

(2) The commission is composed of 11 members, each appointed by the governor to 3-year staggered terms commencing on July 1 of each year of appointment, and must include:

(a) the state director of Indian affairs;

(b) one member from the department of commerce;

(c) one member from the governor's office of economic development; and

(d) one member from each of the federally recognized Indian tribes in Montana. A tribal government may advertise for individuals interested in serving on the commission and develop a list of applicants from which it may choose its nominee to recommend to the governor. In place of choosing from a list of applicants, a tribal government may select an elected tribal official to recommend for membership on the commission. If a tribal government nominates or otherwise recommends more than one person for membership on the commission, the governor shall select one individual from among those recommended persons.

(3) The members of the commission shall elect a presiding officer from among the members.

(4) Six members of the commission constitute a quorum, and the affirmative vote of the majority of the members present is sufficient for any action taken by the commission.

(5) Any vacancy on the commission must be filled in the same manner as the original appointment.

(6) Each member of the commission is entitled to reimbursement for expenses as provided in 2-18-501 through 2-18-503.

History: En. Sec. 2, Ch. 512, L. 1999; amd. Sec. 1, Ch. 69, L. 2001; amd. Sec. 1, Ch. 460, L. 2005; amd. Sec. 1, Ch. 453, L. 2007; amd. Sec. 8, Ch. 164, L. 2009; amd. Sec. 10, Ch. 240, L. 2021.

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