Grant award guidelines

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90-1-119. Grant award guidelines. (1) The department of commerce may award grants of no more than $100,000 to a business meeting the criteria in 90-1-118.

(2) A business may receive a state matching grant for each separate project that is submitted under a federal small business innovative research grant or small business technology transfer grant.

(3) (a) Upon application from a business that has met the criteria in 90-1-118, the department may award up to 50% of the grant.

(b) To receive the remaining 50% of the state matching grant, the business shall submit to the participating federal agency, with copies to the department of commerce, a final phase I project report, a letter of support from the sponsoring agency indicating that the sponsoring agency is interested in the phase II proposal, and an application for phase II funding. The remaining 50% of the state matching grant is not contingent upon approval of the phase II project by the participating federal agency.

(c) Upon receipt of the documents listed in subsection (3)(b) and verification by the business of a submitted phase II application to the participating federal agency, the department of commerce shall remit to the business the remaining 50% of the grant to be provided under 90-1-117 through 90-1-119.

(4) A business applying for a state matching grant under 90-1-117 through 90-1-119 shall submit on a form prescribed by the department of commerce an application that contains:

(a) the name of the business, the form of business organization that is registered with the secretary of state, and the names and addresses of the principals or management of the business;

(b) proof of receipt of a phase I award under a federal small business innovative research grant or a federal small business technology transfer grant; and

(c) any other information required by the department of commerce by rule.

History: En. Sec. 3, Ch. 215, L. 2009.

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