Small business eligibility criteria

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90-1-118. Small business eligibility criteria. (1) To be eligible for a state matching grant under 90-1-117 through 90-1-119, a business shall provide evidence to the department of commerce that the business meets all of the following criteria:

(a) the business is a for-profit sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company, limited liability partnership, or corporation registered with the secretary of state under Title 35 and has its principal place of business in this state;

(b) the business has received a phase I award under a small business innovative research grant or small business technology transfer grant from a participating federal agency in response to a specific federal solicitation;

(c) the business meets all federal eligibility requirements for a small business innovative research grant or a small business technology transfer grant;

(d) the business is not concurrently receiving funding from other state funding programs that duplicate the purpose stated in 90-1-117;

(e) the business certifies that at least 51% of the research described in the business's proposal for phase II funding under a small business innovative research grant or small business technology transfer grant is to be conducted in this state and that the business will remain a Montana-based business for the duration of a phase II project under a small business innovative research grant or small business technology transfer grant; and

(f) the business demonstrates an ability to conduct research for the business's phase II proposal under the small business innovative research grant or small business technology transfer grant.

(2) As provided in 30-20-206, manufacturing ammunition components is a qualified economic development purpose.

History: En. Sec. 2, Ch. 215, L. 2009; amd. Sec. 10, Ch. 440, L. 2015.

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