Department of commerce Lewis and Clark bicentennial account -- Montana historical society Lewis and Clark bicentennial account

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90-1-115. Department of commerce Lewis and Clark bicentennial account -- Montana historical society Lewis and Clark bicentennial account. (1) (a) There is a department of commerce Lewis and Clark bicentennial account in the state special revenue fund. Three-fourths of the revenue from the sales of Lewis and Clark bicentennial license plates under 2-15-151 must be placed into the account and must be used as provided in 2-15-151. The revenue in the account is statutorily appropriated, as provided in 17-7-502, to the department of commerce.

(b) There is a Montana historical society Lewis and Clark bicentennial account in the state special revenue fund. One-fourth of the revenue from the sales of Lewis and Clark bicentennial license plates under 2-15-151 must be placed into the account and must be used as provided in 2-15-151. The revenue in the account is statutorily appropriated, as provided in 17-7-502, to the Montana historical society.

(2) The department of commerce shall allocate the proceeds that are deposited in the account established in subsection (1)(a) as grants, as follows:

(a) one-third to the Lewis and Clark interpretive center foundation;

(b) one-third to the Pompeys pillar historical association;

(c) one-third to the travelers' rest preservation and heritage association.

History: En. Sec. 3, Ch. 223, L. 2005.

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