Cooperation of state agencies

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90-1-113. Cooperation of state agencies. (1) State agencies that have economic development responsibilities shall cooperate with the office of economic development and provide information, technical expertise, and other assistance when requested by the office of economic development.

(2) On written request to the director of revenue or a designee of the director, the department of revenue shall furnish to the department of commerce information about debt assigned to the department of revenue for offset or collection pursuant to the terms of Title 17, chapter 4, part 1. The written request must include an authorized release form signed by the taxpayer. The information provided to the department of commerce must be used for the purposes of preventing and detecting fraud or abuse and determining eligibility for grants or loans.

History: En. Sec. 4, Ch. 483, L. 2001; amd. Sec. 3, Ch. 76, L. 2015.

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