Contracts and agreements for projects and programs -- cooperation with other agencies

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90-1-107. Contracts and agreements for projects and programs -- cooperation with other agencies. (1) The department of commerce may contract for consulting services for the purpose of undertaking and conducting planning and study projects. It may make agreements with other state agencies in order to accomplish its own research programs. It may perform research, but when possible shall make full use of and strengthen the research resources of other state agencies, including the university system. Other state agencies shall provide the department with information which will assist it in carrying out this part.

(2) The department shall assist and cooperate with other state agencies and officials, with official organizations of elected officials in the state, with local governments and officials, and with federal agencies and officials in carrying out the functions and duties of the department.

(3) It may consult with private groups and individuals, and if the department considers it desirable, hold public hearings to obtain information for the purposes of carrying out this part.

History: En. Sec. 6, Ch. 19, L. 1967; amd. Sec. 87, Ch. 348, L. 1974; R.C.M. 1947, 82-3706; amd. Sec. 6, Ch. 274, L. 1981.

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