Hearing on petition to create subdistrict

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85-7-403. Hearing on petition to create subdistrict. (1) The board of commissioners shall hear the petition at the time specified in the notice provided under 85-7-402. The board may adjourn the hearing for lack of sufficient notice or other good cause. The hearing must be completed within 3 weeks of the initial hearing.

(2) Upon application of the petitioners or any interested person or persons, the board shall allow the petition to be amended and may order that additional notice be given.

(3) At the hearing, any person whose land or property rights may be damaged or benefited by the creation of the subdistrict or by the irrigation works or improvements to be acquired or constructed in or for the benefit of the subdistrict may appear and submit oral or written testimony.

History: En. Sec. 3, Ch. 439, L. 1989.

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