Notice of hearing on petition to create subdistrict

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85-7-402. Notice of hearing on petition to create subdistrict. (1) Upon the filing of a petition to create a subdistrict, the board of commissioners of the irrigation district shall by order fix the time and place for a hearing on the petition and shall direct that notice of the hearing be given.

(2) The notice of the hearing must state:

(a) the name of the proposed subdistrict and its purpose;

(b) the time and place of the hearing;

(c) a general description of the land proposed to be included in the subdistrict;

(d) a general description of the water source; and

(e) the general character of the works, water rights, canals, and other property proposed to be acquired or constructed in or for the benefit of the subdistrict.

(3) The board shall publish notice of the hearing at least once a week for 2 successive weeks in a newspaper published in each county in which the proposed subdistrict is located. The first publication must occur not less than 15 days before the date of the hearing.

(4) Notice of the hearing must also be mailed not less than 15 days before the date of the hearing to each holder of title or evidence of title to land within the proposed subdistrict. However, a defect in the notice or failure to give mailed notice does not affect the validity of the proceeding for the creation of a subdistrict under 85-7-401 through 85-7-404.

History: En. Sec. 2, Ch. 439, L. 1989.

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