Powers and duties of board

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75-11-318. Powers and duties of board. (1) The board shall administer the petroleum tank release cleanup fund in accordance with the provisions of this part, including the payment of reimbursement to owners and operators. The board may hire its own staff to assist in the implementation of this part.

(2) The board shall determine whether to approve reimbursement of eligible costs under the provisions of 75-11-309(3), shall obligate money from the fund for approved costs, and shall act on requests for the guarantee of payments through the procedures and criteria provided in 75-11-309.

(3) The board may conduct meetings, hold hearings, undertake legal action, and conduct other business that may be necessary to administer its responsibilities under this part. The board shall meet at least quarterly for the purpose of reviewing and approving claims for reimbursement from the fund and conducting other business as necessary.

(4) The board shall use the fund to pay for:

(a) department expenses incurred in providing assistance to the board. The board shall review and comment on all department administrative budget proposals that are assessed against the fund prior to submittal of the department budget for legislative approval. Department administrative expenses on behalf of the board may include:

(i) the review or preparation of corrective action plans;

(ii) the oversight of corrective action undertaken by owners and operators for the purposes of this part; and

(iii) the actual and necessary administrative support provided to the board.

(b) department of transportation staff expenses used for the collection of the petroleum storage tank cleanup fee;

(c) third-party review of corrective action plans or claims pursuant to 75-11-312;

(d) board staff expenses; and

(e) expenses of implementing the board's duties as provided in this part.

(5) The board shall adopt rules to administer this part, including:

(a) rules governing submission of claims by owners or operators to the department and board;

(b) procedures for determining owners or operators who are eligible for reimbursement and determining the validity of claims;

(c) procedures for the review and approval of corrective action plans;

(d) procedures for conducting board meetings, hearings, and other business necessary for the implementation of this part;

(e) the criteria and reimbursement rates applicable to those owners and operators who comply with a violation letter issued by the department; and

(f) other rules necessary for the administration of this part.

(6) The board may apply for, accept, and repay loans from the board of investments pursuant to 17-6-225.

(7) The board shall conduct an analysis of the short-term and long-term viability of the fund and report its findings to the director of the department and the legislative auditor by July 1 prior to each regular legislative session. This analysis must include but is not limited to:

(a) trends in fund revenue and expenditure activity;

(b) exposure to long-term liabilities;

(c) impacts of changes in state and federal regulations relating to underground and aboveground storage tanks;

(d) availability of petroleum storage tank liability insurance in the private sector and trends in provisions of the insurance; and

(e) the continuing need for collection of all or part of the petroleum tank release cleanup fee.

History: En. Sec. 9, Ch. 528, L. 1989; amd. Sec. 5, Ch. 763, L. 1991; amd. Sec. 4, Ch. 115, L. 1997; amd. Sec. 2, Ch. 259, L. 1999; amd. Sec. 2, Ch. 112, L. 2001; amd. Sec. 6, Ch. 245, L. 2003; amd. Sec. 5, Ch. 356, L. 2005.

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