Procedures for reimbursement of eligible costs -- corrective action plans

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75-11-309. Procedures for reimbursement of eligible costs -- corrective action plans. (1) An owner or operator seeking reimbursement for eligible costs and the department shall comply with the following procedures:

(a) If an owner or operator discovers or is provided evidence that a release may have occurred from the owner's or operator's petroleum storage tank, the owner or operator shall immediately notify the department of the release and conduct an initial response to the release in accordance with state and federal laws and rules to protect the public health and safety and the environment.

(b) Except for a tank for which a permit is sought under 75-11-308(1)(b)(iii) and that is closed within 120 days of discovery of the release, following discovery of the release, the petroleum storage tank must remain in compliance with applicable state and federal laws and rules that the board determines pertain to prevention and mitigation of petroleum releases.

(c) The owner or operator shall conduct a thorough investigation of the release, report the findings to the department, and, as determined necessary by the department, prepare and submit for approval by the department a corrective action plan that conforms with state, tribal (when applicable), and federal corrective action requirements.

(d) (i) The department shall review the corrective action plan and forward a copy to a local government office and, when applicable, a tribal government office with jurisdiction over a corrective action for the release. The local or tribal government office shall inform the department if it wants any modification of the proposed plan.

(ii) Based on its own review and comments received from a local government, tribal government, or other source, the department, subject to 75-11-408(4)(b), may approve the proposed corrective action plan, make or request the owner or operator to modify the proposed plan, or prepare its own plan for compliance by the owner or operator. A plan finally approved by the department through any process provided in this subsection (1)(d) is the approved corrective action plan.

(iii) After the department approves a corrective action plan, a local government or tribal government may not impose different corrective action requirements on the owner or operator.

(e) A corrective action plan prepared by the owner, operator, or department for any petroleum storage tank release may include the establishment of a petroleum mixing zone as defined in 75-11-503.

(f) The department shall notify the owner or operator of its approval of a corrective action plan and shall promptly submit a copy of the approved corrective action plan to the board. Upon review, the board may request that the corrective action plan be amended pursuant to 75-11-508 to include a petroleum mixing zone. If the department finds that the conditions for establishment of a petroleum mixing zone in 75-11-508 are satisfied, the corrective action plan must be amended to include a petroleum mixing zone.

(g) The owner or operator shall implement the corrective action plan or plans approved by the department until the release is resolved. The department may oversee the implementation of the plan, require reports and monitoring from the owner or operator, undertake inspections, and otherwise exercise its authority concerning corrective action under Title 75, chapter 10, part 7, Title 75, chapter 11, part 5, and other applicable law and rules.

(h) (i) The owner or operator shall document in the manner required by the board all expenses incurred in preparing and implementing the corrective action plan. The owner or operator shall submit claims and substantiating documents to the board in the form and manner required by the board.

(ii) The board shall review each claim and determine if the claims are actual, reasonable, and necessary costs of responding to the release and implementing the corrective action plan.

(iii) If the board requires additional information to determine if a claimed cost is actual, reasonable, and necessary, the board may request comment from the department and the owner or operator.

(iv) If the department determines that an owner or operator is failing to properly implement a corrective action plan, it shall notify the board.

(i) The owner or operator shall document, in the manner required by the board, any payments to a third party for bodily injury or property damage caused by a release. The owner or operator shall submit claims and substantiating documents to the board in the form and manner required by the board.

(j) In addition to the documentation in subsections (1)(h) and (1)(i), when the release is claimed to have originated from a properly designed and installed double-walled tank system, the owner or operator shall document, in the manner required by the board, the following:

(i) the date that the release was discovered; and

(ii) that the originating tank was part of a properly designed and installed double-walled tank system.

(2) If an owner or operator is issued an administrative order for failure to comply with requirements imposed by or pursuant to Title 75, chapter 11, part 5, or rules adopted pursuant to Title 75, chapter 11, part 5, all reimbursement of claims submitted after the date of the order must be suspended. Upon a written determination by the department that the owner or operator has returned to compliance with the requirements of Title 75, chapter 11, part 5, or rules adopted pursuant to Title 75, chapter 11, part 5, suspended and future claims may be reimbursed according to criteria established by the board. In establishing the criteria, the board shall consider the effect and duration of the noncompliance.

(3) The board shall review each claim received under subsections (1)(h) and (1)(i), make the determination required by this subsection, inform the owner or operator of its determination, and, as appropriate, reimburse the owner or operator from the fund. Before approving a reimbursement, the board shall affirmatively determine that:

(a) the expenses for which reimbursement is claimed:

(i) are eligible costs; and

(ii) were actually, necessarily, and reasonably incurred for the preparation or implementation of a corrective action plan approved by the department or for payments to a third party for bodily injury or property damage; and

(b) the owner or operator:

(i) is eligible for reimbursement under 75-11-308; and

(ii) has complied with this section and any rules adopted pursuant to this section. Upon a determination by the board that the owner or operator has not complied with this section or rules adopted pursuant to this section, all reimbursement of pending and future claims must be suspended. Upon a determination by the board that the owner or operator has returned to compliance with this section or rules adopted pursuant to this section, suspended and future claims may be reimbursed according to criteria established by the board. In establishing the criteria, the board shall consider the effect and duration of the noncompliance.

(4) (a) If an owner or operator disagrees with a board determination under subsection (3), the owner or operator may submit a written request for a hearing before the board.

(b) A written request for a hearing must be received by the board within 120 days after notice of the board's determination is served on the owner or operator by certified mail. The notice of determination must advise the owner or operator of the 120-day time limit for submitting a written request for a hearing to the board. Not less than 50 days or more than 60 days after the board serves the notice of determination, the board shall serve on the owner or operator a second notice by certified mail advising the owner or operator of the deadline for requesting a hearing. Service by certified mail is complete on the date shown on the certified mail receipt.

(c) If a written request is received within 120 days, the hearing must be held at a meeting of the board or as otherwise permitted under the Montana Administrative Procedure Act no later than 120 days following receipt of the request or at a time mutually agreed to by the board and the owner or operator.

(d) If a written request is not received within 120 days, the determination of the board is final.

(5) The board shall obligate money for reimbursement of eligible costs of owners and operators in the order that the costs are finally approved by the board.

(6) (a) The board may, at the request of an owner or operator, guarantee in writing the reimbursement of eligible costs that have been approved by the board but for which money is not currently available from the fund for reimbursement.

(b) The board may, at the request of an owner or operator, guarantee in writing reimbursement of eligible costs not yet approved by the board, including estimated costs not yet incurred. A guarantee for payment under this subsection (6)(b) does not affect the order in which money in the fund is obligated under subsection (5).

(c) When considering a request for a guarantee of payment, the board may require pertinent information or documentation from the owner or operator. The board may grant or deny, in whole or in part, any request for a guarantee.

History: En. Sec. 5, Ch. 528, L. 1989; amd. Sec. 4, Ch. 389, L. 1991; amd. Sec. 5, Ch. 339, L. 1993; amd. Sec. 1, Ch. 355, L. 1993; amd. Sec. 34, Ch. 112, L. 1997; amd. Sec. 3, Ch. 245, L. 2003; amd. Sec. 3, Ch. 356, L. 2005; amd. Sec. 3, Ch. 396, L. 2009; amd. Sec. 2, Ch. 189, L. 2011; amd. Sec. 8, Ch. 296, L. 2015.

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