Administrative enforcement

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75-10-227. Administrative enforcement. (1) When the department believes that a violation of part 1 or this part, a violation of a rule adopted under part 1 or this part, a violation of an order issued under this part, or a violation of a permit provision has occurred, it may serve written notice of the violation on the alleged violator or the violator's agent. The notice must specify the provision of law, rule, or permit alleged to be violated and the facts alleged to constitute a violation and may include an order to take necessary corrective action within a reasonable period of time stated in the order, an order assessing an administrative penalty pursuant to 75-10-228, or both. The order becomes final unless, within 30 days after the notice is served, the person named requests in writing a hearing before the board. On receipt of the request, the board shall schedule a hearing. Service by mail is complete on the date of mailing.

(2) If, after a hearing held under subsection (1), the board finds that a violation has occurred, it shall either affirm or modify the department's order. An order issued by the department or by the board may prescribe the date by which the violation must cease and may prescribe time limits for particular action. If, after a hearing, the board finds that a violation has not occurred, it shall rescind the department's order.

(3) Instead of issuing an order pursuant to subsection (1), the department may either:

(a) require the alleged violator to appear before the board for a hearing at a time and place specified in the notice and answer the charges; or

(b) initiate action under part 1 or this part.

(4) This section does not prevent the board or department from making efforts to obtain voluntary compliance through warning, conference, or any other appropriate means.

(5) The contested case provisions of the Montana Administrative Procedure Act, Title 2, chapter 4, part 6, apply to a hearing held under this section.

History: En. Sec. 8, Ch. 696, L. 1989; amd. Sec. 1, Ch. 443, L. 2005.

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