Contractor certification -- department authority

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75-10-1304. Contractor certification -- department authority. (1) The department is authorized to establish by rule minimum standards for the training and certification of contractors and their employees who are to perform the assessment or remediation of inhabitable property contaminated by methamphetamine residues.

(2) The department may train and test or may approve courses to train and test contractors and their employees in the proper methods of assessing, remediating, and testing inhabitable property contaminated by methamphetamine residues. If the department conducts the training and testing of contractors and their employees, it may adopt rules to provide for the assessment of reasonable fees to cover the state's costs of providing the training and testing.

(3) The department shall establish by rule procedures for the certification of contractors and their employees, including procedures for the decertification of contractors and their employees for cause. The rules may provide for the assessment of reasonable fees to cover the cost of the contractor certification program.

(4) Any contractor and the contractor's employees certified to perform the remediation of inhabitable property in any other state are approved for certification in Montana unless the department determines that the certification process in the other state is not substantially similar to the minimum certification standards established by the department.

(5) The department shall maintain a list of certified contractors and shall make the list available to local health officials, law enforcement officials, and the public.

History: En. Sec. 4, Ch. 461, L. 2005.

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