Administrative enforcement

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75-10-1222. Administrative enforcement. (1) If the department believes that a violation of this part, a rule adopted under this part, or an order issued under this part has occurred, it may serve written notice of the violation, by certified mail, on the alleged violator or the violator's agent. The notice must specify the provision of this part, the rule, or the condition of approval alleged to have been violated and the facts alleged to constitute a violation. The notice must include an order to take necessary corrective action within a reasonable period of time. The time period must be stated in the order. Service is complete on the date of mailing.

(2) If the alleged violator does not request a hearing before the board within 30 days of the date of service, the order is final. Failure to comply with a final order may subject the violator to an action commenced pursuant to 75-10-1221.

(3) If the alleged violator requests a hearing before the board within 30 days of the date of service, the board shall schedule a hearing. After the hearing is held, the board may:

(a) affirm or modify the department's order issued under subsection (1) if the board finds that a violation has occurred; or

(b) rescind the department's order if the board finds that a violation has not occurred.

(4) An order issued by the department or the board may set a date by which the violation must cease and set a time limit for the violator to correct the violation.

(5) (a) An action initiated by the department under this section may include an administrative penalty not to exceed $500 for each day of violation. Administrative penalties collected under this section must be deposited in the account provided for in 75-10-1203.

(b) Penalties assessed under this section must be determined in accordance with the penalty factors in 75-1-1001.

(6) The contested case provisions of the Montana Administrative Procedure Act, provided for in Title 2, chapter 4, part 6, apply to a hearing under this section.

History: En. Sec. 8, Ch. 378, L. 1999; amd. Sec. 17, Ch. 487, L. 2005.

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