Application for license

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75-10-1211. Application for license. An application for a license must be made to the department on forms provided by the department. The application must contain:

(1) the full name and business address of the applicant;

(2) a list of the counties in which business is to be conducted and a list of disposal sites that the applicant intends to use during the permit year;

(3) for each disposal site listed pursuant to subsection (2), a certification by a local health officer or the local health officer's designated representative in the county in which the disposal site is located that the site meets all applicable state and local requirements;

(4) written permission to use each proposed disposal site signed by the owner, manager, or other person authorized to give permission to use the disposal site; and

(5) any additional information required by rule.

History: En. Sec. 4, Ch. 378, L. 1999.

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