Priority in case of death of employer

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71-3-302. Priority in case of death of employer. In case of the death of any employer, the wages of each miner, mechanic, salesperson, clerk, servant, and laborer for services rendered within 4 months next preceding the death of the employer, in the amount actually owed, are preferred debts under 72-3-807(1)(e) and must be paid before other claims against the estate of the deceased person.

History: En. Sec. 2051, 5th Div. Comp. Stat. 1887; re-en. Sec. 2151, C. Civ. Proc. 1895; re-en. Sec. 7303, Rev. C. 1907; re-en. Sec. 8353, R.C.M. 1921; Cal. C. Civ. Proc. Sec. 1205; re-en. Sec. 8353, R.C.M. 1935; amd. Sec. 2, Ch. 109, L. 1943; amd. Sec. 3, Ch. 263,L. 1975; amd. Sec. 25, Ch. 535, L. 1975; R.C.M. 1947, 45-603; amd. Sec. 131, Ch. 370, L. 1987; amd. Sec. 17, Ch. 482, L. 1997.

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