Rights of first purchasers

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71-3-1606. Rights of first purchasers. (1) The following are not affected by the provisions of this part or the filing of any instrument permitted under this part:

(a) transfer of the legal title to oil or gas from an interest owner or operator to a first purchaser;

(b) ownership of oil or gas before the oil or gas is severed, as reflected by records affecting real property; or

(c) the right of a first purchaser to take or receive oil or gas under the terms of a division order or a similar agreement for the sale and purchase of oil or gas.

(2) A first purchaser or purchaser is free to transport oil or gas products out of the state or to sell oil or gas products without permission or release of a lien perfected under 71-3-1605.

History: En. Sec. 6, Ch. 367, L. 2009.

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