Perfection of lien -- verified notice -- effect of instruments -- effective date

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71-3-1605. Perfection of lien -- verified notice -- effect of instruments -- effective date. (1) An interest owner who does not receive proceeds or payment for severed oil or gas when the proceeds are due may perfect the security interest and lien claimed under 71-3-1603 by filing a notice, as provided in subsection (2), in the office of the county clerk and recorder in which the leasehold is located.

(2) A sworn affidavit must be in substantially the following form:


Notice is hereby given that: [name of interest owner for whom notice is filed], whose address is [address of named interest owner] claims [a fractional or decimal] interest in the oil or gas severed or proceeds of the sale from the [name of the leasehold], operated by [name and address of the operator]. The leasehold is located on the following [described land] in [name of county], Montana.

Oil or gas severed from the leasehold has been and is now or may be taken and the above-named interest owner has a security interest in and lien upon the oil or gas and the oil or gas proceeds to secure payment under the provisions of the Montana Oil and Gas Owners' Lien Act.

The signatories of this notice recognize that, if a sworn affidavit is not filed within 90 days of the time in which the payment to [the interest owner] is due, the security interest is not perfected and [the interest owner] does not receive a priority over any perfected security interest in the oil or gas described in this notice or the proceeds of the oil or gas described in this notice.


Signed by [interest owner]................

(3) An instrument filed with the county clerk and recorder that accompanies the notice filed in subsection (1) is effective as a financing statement recognized under Title 30, chapter 9A, with or without the signature of the debtor. An instrument described in this subsection may be terminated in the same manner as a financing statement under the provisions of Title 30, chapter 9A.

(4) (a) Upon filing of the notice as provided in this section, the effective date of the interest owner's security interest and lien is the date on which the oil or gas severance occurred.

(b) Except as provided in 71-3-1606(2) and subsection (4)(c) of this section, a security interest and lien filed under this section have priority over the rights of any person whose rights or claims arise or attach to the severed oil or gas for which the purchase price has not been paid or to the proceeds of oil or gas if the oil or gas has been sold, including the severed oil or gas or the oil or gas proceeds that arise or attach between the time the security interest and lien attach and the time of filing.

(c) The security interest and the lien filed under this section do not have a priority over the security interest or lien previously created and perfected under Title 71, chapter 3, part 10, or an operating agreement or other voluntary agreement for the development and operation of the leasehold.

History: En. Sec. 5, Ch. 367, L. 2009.

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