Notice to purchaser of oil and gas

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71-3-1011. Notice to purchaser of oil and gas. (1) Any lien claimed under this part that extends to oil or gas or the proceeds of the sale of oil or gas is subject to the provisions of Title 71, chapter 3, part 16, and must meet the requirements of subsection (2) before taking effect.

(2) (a) Written notice of a claim must be delivered to a purchaser at the purchaser's residence or principal place of business. A notice must state the name of the claimant, the claimant's address, the amount for which the lien is claimed, and a description of the interest upon which the lien is claimed. The notice must be delivered personally to the purchaser or by certified letter deposited in the United States mail.

(b) Until the notice is delivered as provided in subsection (2)(a), a purchaser is not liable to the claimant for any oil or gas produced upon which the lien is claimed or money from the sale of proceeds of the oil or gas upon which the lien is claimed. A purchaser shall withhold payments for oil or gas to the extent of the lien amount being claimed until delivery of notice in writing that the claim has been paid.

History: En. 45-1010 by Sec. 10, Ch. 143, L. 1957; R.C.M. 1947, 45-1010; amd. Sec. 2295, Ch. 56, L. 2009; amd. Sec. 10, Ch. 367, L. 2009.

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