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71-3-1007. Priority. (1) Upon compliance with the provisions of 71-3-1004, such lien shall be preferred to all other titles, charges, liens, or encumbrances which may attach to or upon any of the property upon which a lien is given by this part subsequent to the date the lien herein provided for arises.

(2) All liens affixed by virtue of this part upon the same property shall be of equal standing.

(3) The lien herein provided for shall have no priority over other liens, encumbrances, or mortgages which are filed or recorded prior to the date of the furnishing of the first item of material or services or the date of performance of the first labor.

History: (1), (2)En. 45-1004.2 by Sec. 3, Ch. 170, L. 1973; Sec. 45-1004.2, R.C.M. 1947; (3)En. 45-1004.3 by Sec. 4, Ch. 170, L. 1973; Sec. 45-1004.3, R.C.M. 1947; R.C.M. 1947, 45-1004.2(part), 45-1004.3.

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