Fee in lieu of tax on registered aircraft -- decal

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67-3-204. Fee in lieu of tax on registered aircraft -- decal. (1) Except as provided in subsection (3), aircraft required to be registered in Montana are subject to a fee. The registration fee is in lieu of property tax.

(2) The department shall issue a decal to the owner of the aircraft required to be registered at the time of payment of the registration fee in lieu of tax, as provided in 67-3-201. No aircraft subject to a fee in lieu of tax may be operated in this state unless there is displayed on the aircraft a decal as visual proof that the fee in lieu of tax has been paid for the aircraft and that the aircraft is registered for the current year.

(3) Aircraft that meet the description of property described in 15-6-145 are exempt from the fee imposed by subsection (1). Aircraft subject to the fee in lieu of tax are exempt from all other taxation.

History: En. Sec. 2, Ch. 453, L. 1987; amd. Sec. 14, Ch. 773, L. 1991.

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