Industrial revenue projects

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67-1-302. Industrial revenue projects. The board of aeronautics may exercise the power and authority of a municipality under Title 90, chapter 5, part 1, with respect to projects suitable for use by commercial enterprises providing scheduled air transportation services primarily within the state if such projects are located within or based and used primarily within the state. For purposes of this section, the board of aeronautics shall be considered a municipality and a governing body thereof under Title 90, chapter 5, part 1, and shall give notice of the public hearing required by 90-5-104 in three newspapers published and circulating generally in the state and shall not issue any bonds unless it appears, after the public hearing, that the acquisition or improvements of the project is in the public interest of the state. For purposes of this section, projects suitable for commercial enterprises providing scheduled air transportation services shall include but are not limited to aircraft parts, aircraft, hangars, storage and aircraft maintenance facilities, fuel facilities, and other personal or real property suitable for use by a scheduled air transportation enterprise.

History: En. Sec. 8, Ch. 656, L. 1979.

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