Montana HELP Act special revenue account

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53-6-1315. (Temporary) Montana HELP Act special revenue account. (1) There is a Montana HELP Act account in the state special revenue fund to the credit of the department.

(2) Money from the following sources must be deposited in the account:

(a) the taxpayer integrity fees provided for in 15-30-2660;

(b) the outpatient hospital utilization fee provided for in 15-66-102(3)(b);

(c) the health service corporation fee provided for in 33-2-714; and

(d) premiums paid by members pursuant to 53-6-1307.

(3) Money in the account must be used to pay for:

(a) the state share of costs, including benefits and administrative costs, of providing health care services under this part; and

(b) grants made under the HELP Act employer grant program provided for in 39-12-106.

(4) Money from the account must be used for the benefits and administrative costs of providing health care services under this part before any general fund is expended on the costs. (Terminates June 30, 2025, on occurrence of contingency--sec. 48, Ch. 415, L. 2019.)

History: En. Sec. 5, Ch. 415, L. 2019.

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