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53-6-1303. (Temporary) Definitions. As used in this part, the following definitions apply:

(1) "Community engagement" means participation in the activities specified in 53-6-1308 as a means to improve a program participant's well-being and opportunities for self-sufficiency.

(2) "Department" means the department of public health and human services provided for in 2-15-2201.

(3) "HELP Act" or "act" means the Montana Health and Economic Livelihood Partnership Act provided for in Title 39, chapter 12, and this part.

(4) "Member" means an individual enrolled in the Montana medicaid program pursuant to 53-6-131 or receiving medicaid-funded services pursuant to 53-6-1304.

(5) "Program participant" or "participant" means an individual enrolled in the Montana Health and Economic Livelihood Partnership Act program established in Title 39, chapter 12, and this part. (Terminates June 30, 2025--secs. 38, 48, Ch. 415, L. 2019.)

History: En. Sec. 3, Ch. 368, L. 2015; amd. Sec. 31, Ch. 415, L. 2019.

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