Exemption from resource test

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53-4-1110. (Temporary) Exemption from resource test. An otherwise applicable eligibility resource test provided for in 53-6-113(6) and 53-6-131(9) does not apply to plan applicants. (Terminates June 30, 2025, on occurrence of contingency--sec. 48, Ch. 415, L. 2019.)

53-4-1110. (Effective on occurrence of contingency) Exemption from resource test. An otherwise applicable eligibility resource test provided for in 53-6-113(6) and 53-6-131(8) does not apply to plan applicants.

History: En. Sec. 8, I.M. No. 155, approved Nov. 4, 2008; amd. Sec. 25, Ch. 415, L. 2019; amd. Sec. 1, Ch. 155, L. 2021.

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