Hearing on rehospitalization petition -- revocation of conditional release

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53-21-197. Hearing on rehospitalization petition -- revocation of conditional release. (1) The court may order that the patient's conditional release status be revoked and that the patient be returned to the mental health facility from which the patient was conditionally released or be sent to another appropriate inpatient mental health facility if, after a hearing, the court finds by clear and convincing evidence that:

(a) the conditionally released patient has been determined by the district court to be suffering from a mental disorder and requiring commitment and is presently under a valid order of commitment pursuant to 53-21-127 or 53-21-128; and

(b) the conditionally released patient has violated a condition of the release, that the violation has caused a deterioration of the patient's mental condition, and that as a result of this deterioration, the patient can no longer be appropriately served by outpatient care.

(2) A revocation of the patient's conditional release status under subsection (1) must be based on the testimony of the professional person responsible for the patient's case.

(3) If the court revokes the patient's conditional release status pursuant to subsection (1), a treatment plan must be updated or a new plan prepared for the patient as required by and within the time set forth in 53-21-162.

(4) Except as provided in 53-21-198, an order revoking the patient's conditional release status may not order hospitalization or impose other conditions of release that extend beyond the expiration date of the order committing the patient under 53-21-127 or 53-21-128.

History: En. Sec. 4, Ch. 541, L. 1985; amd. Sec. 33, Ch. 490, L. 1997.

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