Commitment to behavioral health inpatient facilities -- preference -- voluntary treatment

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53-21-193. Commitment to behavioral health inpatient facilities -- preference -- voluntary treatment. (1) If a respondent is committed to the state hospital under 53-21-127 or if a person in an emergency situation requires detention under 53-21-129 and a bed is available at a behavioral health inpatient facility, the professional person shall inform the county attorney who shall inform the person who is responsible for transporting the individual as to the appropriate facility to which the individual is to be transported for admission.

(2) If a respondent is committed to or an individual requires emergency detention in a behavioral health inpatient facility, the facility must be notified and the facility shall state that a bed is available and agree to accept transfer of the patient based on admission criteria before an individual may be transferred to the behavioral health inpatient facility under this section.

(3) A respondent who is committed to or an individual who is transferred to a behavioral health inpatient facility may be transferred to the state hospital for the remaining period of commitment in accordance with criteria established by the department by rule pursuant to 53-21-194. A court order for commitment or transfer must include the transfer authority, and all conditions contained in the court order apply after a transfer.

(4) The court may not order commitment of the respondent or transfer of an individual to a behavioral health inpatient facility under this part if a bed is not available or if the licensed capacity would be exceeded.

(5) If a bed is available, a behavioral health inpatient facility may admit a person for voluntary treatment.

History: En. Sec. 1, Ch. 513, L. 2003; amd. Sec. 3, Ch. 116, L. 2007.

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