Discharge plan

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53-21-180. Discharge plan. Each patient admitted as an inpatient to a mental health facility must have an individualized discharge plan developed within 10 days after admission. The discharge plan must be updated as necessary. Each individualized discharge plan must contain:

(1) an anticipated discharge date;

(2) criteria for discharge;

(3) identification of the facility staff member responsible for discharge planning;

(4) identification of the community-based agency or individual who is assisting in arranging postdischarge services;

(5) referrals for financial assistance needed by the patient upon discharge; and

(6) other information necessary to ensure an appropriate discharge and adequate postdischarge services.

History: En. Sec. 3, Ch. 293, L. 1993; amd. Sec. 5, Ch. 247, L. 1999.

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