Notification of noncompliance as condition for treatment plan -- response

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53-21-151. Notification of noncompliance as condition for treatment plan -- response. (1) If the respondent has been ordered to follow a treatment plan and the respondent does not substantially comply with the treatment plan developed pursuant to the order for treatment pursuant to a commitment to a community facility or program or course of treatment, the chief medical officer or designee shall promptly notify the court upon becoming aware of substantial noncompliance that is likely to result in at least one of the conditions in 53-21-126(1) and shall provide supporting documentation.

(2) The court may take reasonable steps to ensure compliance with the court's outpatient treatment order, including but not limited to the following:

(a) directing that the friend of respondent remind the respondent of the respondent's treatment obligations and attempt to persuade the noncompliant respondent to comply with the treatment plan;

(b) presenting the respondent to the mental health facility or program for treatment, including administration of medication pursuant to 53-21-127(6); or

(c) directing the treating provider to work with the respondent to bring about compliance with the treatment plan.

History: En. Sec. 3, Ch. 342, L. 2001.

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