Conditions of treatment in community facility, program, or course of treatment

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53-21-149. Conditions of treatment in community facility, program, or course of treatment. If the court orders a disposition under 53-21-127(3)(b), the court may order the following conditions for treatment in a community facility or program, or may order a course of treatment, including but not limited to:

(1) following a treatment plan developed pursuant to 53-21-150 that may include case management services, medication, short-term inpatient treatment, chemical dependency treatment, assertive community treatment, or a combination, as set forth by the designated community facility or program or the individual responsible for the management and supervision of the respondent's treatment; or

(2) specific residential or housing requirements that may include being under the care or custody of a relative or guardian.

History: En. Sec. 1, Ch. 342, L. 2001.

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