Right not to be subjected to experimental research

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53-21-147. Right not to be subjected to experimental research. (1) Patients have a right not to be subjected to experimental research without the express and informed consent of the patient, if the patient is able to give consent, and of the patient's guardian, if any, and the friend of respondent appointed by the court after opportunities for consultation with independent specialists and with legal counsel. If there is no friend of respondent or if the friend of respondent appointed by the court is no longer available, then a friend of respondent who is in no way connected with the facility, the department, or the research project must be appointed prior to the involvement of the patient in any experimental research. At least 10 days prior to the commencement of experimental research, the facility shall send notice of intent to involve the patient in experimental research to the patient, the patient's next of kin, if known, the patient's legal guardian, if any, the attorney who most recently represented the patient, and the friend of respondent appointed by the court.

(2) The proposed research must have been reviewed and approved by the mental disabilities board of visitors before consent may be sought. Prior to approval, the board shall determine that the research complies with the principles of the statement on the use of human subjects for research of the American association on mental deficiency and with the principles for research involving human subjects required by the United States department of health and human services for projects supported by that agency.

(3) A patient has the right to appropriate protection before participating in an experimental treatment, including the right to a reasonable explanation of the procedure to be followed, expected benefits, relative advantages, and the potential risks and discomforts of any experimental treatment. A patient has the right to revoke at any time consent to an experimental treatment.

History: En. 38-1321 by Sec. 21, Ch. 466, L. 1975; R.C.M. 1947, 38-1321; amd. Sec. 14, Ch. 547, L. 1979; amd. Sec. 6, Ch. 579, L. 1991; amd. Sec. 72, Ch. 10, L. 1993.

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