Civil and legal rights of person committed

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53-21-141. Civil and legal rights of person committed. (1) Unless specifically stated in an order by the court, a person involuntarily committed to a facility for a period of evaluation or treatment does not forfeit any legal right or suffer any legal disability by reason of the provisions of this part except as it may be necessary to detain the person for treatment, evaluation, or care. All communication between an alleged mentally ill person and a professional person is privileged under normal privileged communication rules unless it is clearly explained to the person in advance that the purpose of an interview is for evaluation and not treatment.

(2) Whenever a person is committed to a mental health facility for a period of 3 months or longer, the court ordering the commitment may make an order stating specifically any legal rights that are denied the respondent and any legal disabilities that are imposed on the respondent. As part of its order, the court may appoint a person to act as conservator of the respondent's property. Any conservatorship created pursuant to this section terminates upon the conclusion of the involuntary commitment if not sooner terminated by the court. A conservatorship or guardianship extending beyond the period of involuntary commitment may not be created except according to the procedures set forth under Montana law for the appointment of conservators and guardians generally. In the case of a person admitted to a program or facility for the purpose of receiving mental health services, an individual employed by or receiving remuneration from the program or facility may not act as the person's guardian or representative unless the program or facility can demonstrate that no other person is available or willing to act as the person's guardian or representative.

(3) A person who has been committed to a mental health facility pursuant to this part is automatically restored upon the termination of the commitment to all of the person's civil and legal rights that may have been lost when the person was committed. However, this subsection does not affect a guardianship or conservatorship created independently of the commitment proceedings according to the provisions of Montana law relating to the appointment of conservators and guardians generally. A person who leaves a mental health facility following a period of evaluation and treatment must be given a written statement setting forth the substance of this subsection.

(4) A person committed to a mental health facility prior to July 1, 1975, enjoys all the rights and privileges of a person committed after that date.

History: En. 38-1313 by Sec. 13, Ch. 466, L. 1975; amd. Sec. 11, Ch. 546, L. 1977; R.C.M. 1947, 38-1313(1) thru (4); amd. Sec. 11, Ch. 547, L. 1979; amd. Sec. 2, Ch. 579, L. 1991; amd. Sec. 1918, Ch. 56, L. 2009.

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