Certification of professional persons

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53-21-106. Certification of professional persons. (1) The department shall certify professional persons as defined in 53-21-102 for the purpose of this part.

(2) The department, with reference to recognized national standards in the field of mental health, shall adopt standards and rules governing the certification of professional persons as defined in 53-21-102.

(3) The rules for certification must address but are not limited to:

(a) the type of education that an individual has received, including degrees;

(b) the type of experience or training received by the individual;

(c) continuing education, training, instruction, and work experience necessary to maintain certification;

(d) an examination instrument to be used to determine an individual's proficiency and understanding of mental health laws, diagnosis, and treatment procedures;

(e) the procedure for categorical certification qualifying the level of professional authority and responsibility of an individual; and

(f) specific procedures for certification, recertification, and revocation of certification.

History: En. Sec. 3, Ch. 578, L. 1983; amd. Sec. 2, Ch. 376, L. 1987; amd. Sec. 487, Ch. 546, L. 1995.

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