Legislative findings -- purpose

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53-20-224. Legislative findings -- purpose. (1) The legislature finds that the Montana developmental center has served as a placement of last resort for seriously developmentally disabled individuals, many of whom have co-occurring mental health conditions.

(2) The legislature further finds that as the department has been carrying out the process of closing the Montana developmental center pursuant to Chapter 444, Laws of 2015, family members of Montana developmental center residents, community service providers, and community members have expressed concern that community facilities may not be equipped to provide appropriate care and treatment for some of the residents.

(3) The legislature further finds that family members have expressed concern that their developmentally disabled relatives may not maintain the progress they have made in treatment at the Montana developmental center as they move to new and unfamiliar settings.

(4) It is the intent of the legislature that the department monitor the skills, abilities, and behaviors of Montana developmental center residents while they are in the care and custody of the state and as they transition to the community in order to ensure that the individuals remain safe, maintain or improve their skills and abilities, and find a home that provides the most appropriate services in the least restrictive setting possible.

History: En. Sec. 1, Ch. 265, L. 2017.

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