Regulatory streamlining

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53-20-215. Regulatory streamlining. (1) The department's division responsible for administering the comprehensive developmental disability system shall work with providers of community developmental disability services to identify areas in which the department's administrative rules, policies, or procedures related to the system:

(a) duplicate federal regulations;

(b) duplicate or contradict rules or policies established for the system by other department divisions;

(c) are applied inconsistently across the designated developmental disabilities regions or by department staff and contractors; or

(d) create the potential for waste of resources.

(2) Based on the areas identified pursuant to subsection (1), the department shall review the related administrative rules, policies, and procedures to:

(a) determine the ongoing reasonable necessity pursuant to 2-4-305;

(b) determine the costs and benefits to providers of community services and to the state of continuing each rule, policy, or procedure;

(c) eliminate rules, policies, or procedures that are determined to be not cost-effective;

(d) eliminate duplication in oversight and monitoring requirements; and

(e) create consistency in the application of a rule, policy, or procedure, if necessary.

(3) The department shall develop a written plan that:

(a) outlines the process and deadline for completing the initial review of the rules, policies, and procedures; and

(b) establishes a process and timeline for an ongoing review, in conjunction with providers, that will continue to identify and correct areas of duplication, inconsistency, or waste.

(4) The department shall:

(a) include other interested parties in the review required under this section; and

(b) complete the activities required under this section using existing resources.

History: En. Sec. 1, Ch. 246, L. 2019.

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