Inmate financial disclosure and account monitoring

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53-1-108. Inmate financial disclosure and account monitoring. (1) Upon incarceration at a state prison, an inmate shall:

(a) make full disclosure of all the inmate's accounts in financial institutions to the department of corrections in writing and under oath;

(b) sign a release authorizing any financial institution in which the inmate has an account of any kind to provide the department with copies of records of any transaction in the account during the inmate's term of incarceration in the prison or correctional system. Released copies of records are confidential criminal justice information as defined in 44-5-103.

(c) sign a release authorizing the department to monitor any inmate account in a financial institution.

(2) Failure of an inmate to disclose information under subsection (1)(a) or sign a release under subsection (1)(b) or (1)(c) is an offense under 45-7-302.

History: En. Sec. 2, Ch. 316, L. 1997; amd. Sec. 13, Ch. 491, L. 1999.

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