Disclosures required of health insurers -- limitations

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50-4-518. Disclosures required of health insurers -- limitations. (1) When requested by an insured or the insured's agent, a health insurer shall provide a summary of the insured's coverage for a specific health care service or course of treatment when an actual charge or estimate of charges by a health care provider, outpatient center for surgical services, clinic, or hospital exceeds $500.

(2) The insured or insured's agent may request that the information required under this section be provided in writing or electronically.

(3) The health insurer shall make a good faith effort to provide accurate information under this section. The health insurer is only required to provide information under this section based upon cost estimates and procedure codes obtained by the insured from the insured's health care provider.

History: En. Sec. 5, Ch. 207, L. 2009.

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